Note: Download our latest Client Patch in order to see all the new changes!
Client Link #1
Client Link #2
Patch Link #1
Patch Link #2

- Trickster: -10% PvP Damage / PvP Defense (Not Olympiad)
- Grand Khavatari: -15% PvP Damage / PvP Defense (Not Olympiad)
- Dreadnought: +10% PvP Damage
- Archmage: +10% PvP Damage
- Mystic Muse: +15% PvP Damage
- Soultaker: +10% PvP Damage
- Storm Screamer: +5% PvP Damage (Not Olympiad)
- Doombringer: +15% PvP Damage (Not Olympiad)
- Soulhound: +20% PvP Damage
- Titan: +15% PvP Damage (Not Olympiad)
- Eva's Templar: +25% PvP Damage
- Shillien Templar: +15% PvP Damage
- Adventurer: +20% PvP Damage
- Ghost Hunter: +15% PvP Damage
- Wind Rider: +15% PvP Damage
- Elemental Master: +15% PvP Damage (Not Olympiad)
- Arcana Lord: +20% PvP Damage (Not Olympiad)

- New Skill:
- New Skill:
- Increased Chance for Trigger on all Cubics by 25%
- Increased Stats by 30% on all Summoned Pets on PvP/PvE (beside Imperial Phoenix)
- Increased Damage of Augmentation Nukes.

- Fixed issue with Orbis Reward Box (Top-Grade).
- Lowered Stats on Bosses inside Clan Arena.
- Lowered Required Clan Members to Enter Clan Arena to 6.
- Increased Drops on instances such as Zaken/Freya/Freya Hard/Frintezza/Tiat.
- Added Compound Possibility for:
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