- Christmas Event Started: Info Here
- Max Enchant increased Armor +10 & Weapon +14.
- Auto-Farm free time increased to 4 Hours.
- Hard Freya is now Available.
- World Bosses now drop Vorpal - Mid Weapons.
- Increased Chance to drop Mid Weapon from Freya & Tiat.
- Increased Chance for drop Boss Jewels from Freya, Frintezza & Tiat.
- Olympiad Store updated, (Added Elegia - Top Weapons & Adjusted prices for all Store.)
- New Change to Seed of Destruction zone, every 30 Tiats killed the zone will open to all the players for 6 Hours and inside you will be able to Fight New monsters with Very Good Drops such as Attribute Stones, Jewels, Codex, Blessed Scrolls and much more.
- Max flags captured on Territory Wars = 4.
- Events now every 1 Hour.
- New Players Event Started, all new players that join L2Kain will receive: